Community Alert

On Tuesday afternoon/early evening (May 12th), a teenager approached several homes within Bay Breeze Point trying to obtain points for a trip. At some homes, the teenager told the occupants he was not asking for money or selling anything but would receive points toward getting funds for education if he collected so many business cards.

The teenager stopped at the author’s home and went through a similar dialogue; he even suggested that I could purchase magazines and have them delivered to a charity like St Jude. When I refused to participate, he became annoyed and told me I was wasting his time.

Similar activities have been reported in other communities like the Bay View section of Ocean View. Our neighborhood does not endorse door-to-door solicitations and, in fact, door-to-door solicitors need City approval. If solicitors show up at your door, be cautious. And, if the solicitor makes you feel uncomfortable, please call the police.

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